10/5/2024 Message

Hello LifePoint family,

Hope you had a great week!

I want to thank you for your prayers for those in our fellowship who have asked for them. Several breakthroughs and successful surgeries occurred this week and I have the privilege of getting to hear some of those praise reports. Every person always wants me to tell all of you how much they appreciate your prayers, emails, texts, phone calls, visits, etc. Thank you for ministering to one another.

The BRR presentation in Bonham, TX on Tuesday night went very well. The folks were very enthusiastic and responsive. Thank you for your support and prayers for the BRR Min.

On Oct 13, I will be leaving right after church to travel to Gettysburg, PA to lead a tour for a few homeschool families on Oct 16. Then I will be leading a few adults on a tour the 16-17. Although it’s quite the trip up there, if anyone would like to join me, I’d be happy to have you. Once the tours are complete, I will be traveling on up to New England to do a BRR presentation in a key church in the Boston area on Oct 20. Our hope is to plant seeds that will generate enough interest to do a Black Robe Boot Camp in late spring of 2025 and help start a Patriot Pastors movement up there. I would greatly appreciate your prayers for that effort because New England is a spiritually dark area.

LifePoint is my priority, so I do not like being gone very often. Consequently, I have greatly reduced the number of Sundays I am away from our church doing BRR. Even so, I feel this effort in New England is so important for that area, it is worth the sacrifice. I will be recording the Pastor’s Class and sermon for the 20th, so we won’t miss a beat. Thank you for your prayers and support.

For those of you who have been asking, we’re working on trying to work out the logistics for a baptism service before the cold weather arrives. If you need to be baptized, please let us know by emailing me at dan@Lbcok.com or Gary Davis at gary@Lbcok.com.

Also, don’t forget to be praying about our LifePoint Shepherding Ministry that will kickoff Jan 1, 2025. We are looking for anyone who may feel led to shepherd a small flock comprised of 6-10 families in our church. If you even think God might want you to serve in this important ministry, let me know. As we move forward, we’ll offer training for those interested.

As you well know, many areas have been devastated by Hurricane Helene. The death count continues to rise as federal agencies delay in sending the help that is so desperately needed. There are many stories and videos of the efforts of regular citizens fighting to bring the basic needs for survival to the folks that are trapped, some of which can only be reached by helicopter. There are two groups we know we can trust to utilize donations to help rescue efforts: Samaritan's Purse and Mercury One. This Sunday, we will be gathering monetary donations to forward to the rescue efforts via these two groups. If you would like to contribute, please specify to which of these organizations you would like to donate in your giving to LifePoint and we will write one check from the LifePoint family to each organization. Please pray for those effected. The devastation is unbelievable, but so are the efforts of everyday folks rallying together to rescue their neighbors. We want to join that effort.

And finally, here’s what’s on tap this Sunday:

Pastor’s Class, 10:00am – we will begin the lesson, “The Final Judgment.” If you’ve ever wondered what “judgment day” will be like, come join us.

Worship/preaching service, 11:00am – we will begin a 5-week sermon series leading up to the election entitled, “God & Government – what every Christian must know”. This week’s message is entitled, “Government – God’s idea or man’s institution?”. You won’t want to miss a single message in this crucial series.

Looking forward to seeing you this Sunday,
Dan Fisher