5/10/2024 Message from Dan

LifePoint family,

Hoping everyone’s week is going well. Here are a few things coming up that you need to know.

First, tomorrow (Saturday, May 11) we will have the opportunity to participate in our first Body Life ministry effort. We will be gathering at 8:00am at one of our member’s homes to do general cleanup around the house. The address is: 1521 One Creek Dr., Guthrie, OK. Since we will be working outside, be sure to wear clothes suited for that kind of work, bring work gloves, and any yard tools you think we might need (if you have a weed eater or chain saw those will be helpful). Also, you will need to provide your own drinks. Restrooms will not be available on site, but a convenience store is nearby. We plan to work at least through noon. If by noon we are close to completing the work, we will return from lunch and finish up. If there is too much work remaining after lunch, we may have to schedule a second workday. Regardless of how much time you can commit to helping on Saturday, you are invited to come and join the effort. This is a great opportunity to be a blessing to someone else. If you want to know more, please contact me, Gary Davis, or Don and Julie Workman.

Second, we had a great town hall meeting last Sunday morning as we discussed our proposed church constitution and by-laws. We will wrap up that discussion during the first half of our Bible study time this Sunday beginning at 10:00am. After our discussion is complete, we will use the remaining time to continue our summary/overview of the Book of Daniel.

Third, this Sunday I will begin preaching a new sermon series taken from the book, Experiencing God, written by Henry Blackaby. What does it mean to experience God? Have you ever truly experienced God? Are you experiencing God in your daily walk right now? This series of messages has the potential of literally transforming your relationship with God and greatly enhancing/improving your spiritual walk. You won’t want to miss a single one!

Fourth, many of you have asked about my doing the “Bringing Back the Black Robed Regiment” presentation at LifePoint. We are working on reserving a date for UCO’s Constitution Hall for a Sunday evening in early June. We will announce the date as soon as we know it.

Last, our Android app has finally been approved! So, now we have both Android and iPhone. If you have not already downloaded our app, please take a moment to do so. It is a great place to stay in touch with everything going on at LifePoint, plus important updates from me and others in the church family, sermon library, giving, and much more. It is really important to turn on notifications when prompted so all messages can reach you. It is equally as important to register with your email address so your data properly flows through in a way we can recognize and approve you.

Looking forward to seeing you Sunday morning,

Dan Fisher