7/20/2024 Message from Dan

Good evening LifePoint family,

I apologize that this email is coming to you so late on Saturday, but I’ve been burning the candle at both ends this week. Since last Sunday night, I’ve done 4 BRR presentations and a “Myth of Separation of Church and State” presentation on Wednesday night. I have literally been all over Michigan and I believe I have been able to plant good seeds that will produce much fruit in the future. The presentations here in Michigan have been received with great enthusiasm and the people have been incredible! They’re all asking when I’m coming back. 😊 Thank you to all who have been praying for me while I've been here - I have felt those prayers.

The Liberty Pastors Network here in Michigan started at one of our Liberty Pastors Camps about 4 years ago and has exploded in this part of Michigan. What a blessing to see what God is doing - and all of you at LifePoint have a stake in this work because you are so supportive and encouraging as I continue to the message. The last phase of my tour wraps up tomorrow (July 21) as I speak in two churches (morning and evening). Then I’ll head back to Oklahoma. Even though things have gone great up here, I’m definitely ready to be home and back in the saddle at LifePoint.

The Michiganders have asked me to thank you, the LifePoint congregation, for allowing me to be absent from you to bring this message to their communities.

A heads up concerning tomorrow at LifePoint:

  • The service at LifePoint will look much like it did last week. I will be continuing the lesson in my Pastor’s Class that I started on the 14th. In the 11:00 worship/preaching service, I will be preaching Part 3 of the “Best to Be Sure - nailing down your salvation” message series. This week’s message is entitled, "Failing the test & losing your salvation”.

  • Matt Strait believes he has healed up enough from his surgery to lead the worship, so he’ll be leading. A big thank you to Matt.

  • I want to give a special shout out to Clayton Trammell for being willing to lead worship last week with very little time to prepare because of Matt’s emergency gall bladder surgery. I also want to thank Gary Davis, Zak Tharp, the stage setup team, and everyone else who took charge and helped to make the service a success. I know they will pull it off again tomorrow.

Please remember all who need our prayers and are recovering from surgery or who are going through other trials.

Finally, I plan to be back in Oklahoma on Monday night or Tuesday morning, and back in the pulpit at LifePoint next Sunday. I look forward to seeing you all soon! It will be great to be back home.

Praying for a great service for all tomorrow,