7/6/2024 Message from Dan

Good Saturday afternoon LifePoint family,

Sorry this is going out so late.  My life has been on fast play this week.

Just a few quick reminders:

1. Crossroads Pregnancy Clinic is still doing an incredible job and needs our assistance.  If you are able, you can give a special offering to them through the church and we’ll see that they get it.  Just make certain you note that the offering is intended for Crossroads so Val can get it to the correct ministry.

2. Jerry Hymer will be taking photographs for any of you who did not get your portrait taken by him up to this point - or you did, and you want a do over.  He’ll be set up in the lounge area just outside of Constitution Hall before and after service tomorrow.  A special thanks to Jerry and Nan for providing this service to each of us and LifePoint.  They put forth a great deal of effort to make this gift available to us.  Jerry and Nan, you guys are the greatest!

3. In the Pastor’s Class tomorrow at 10:00am, I will be continuing the lesson series, “The Millennial Reign of Jesus” as we finish Part 2: “The Judgment of the Nations.”  On July 14 & 21, I will be teaching via video recording Part 3: “The Millennium Begins.”  This lesson will cover the interesting and exciting first things Jesus will do as He initiates His 1000 reign.  

4. Because I will be traveling to MI to do a series of Black Robe presentations, I will be videoing my Pastor’s Class and sermons for July 14 & 21.  Because of that, I am going to suspend our “Experiencing God” sermon series until I return from MI and am back in the pulpit on July 28.  So, tomorrow I will start a 3-part series entitled, “Best to Be Sure - nailing down your salvation.”  I believe this message series is much needed since I’m constantly asked how to determine if someone is truly saved our not.  I think you’re going to really enjoy these messages.  Here’s how the 3-part series will play out:

July 7 - Part 1: “Taking the Test”
July 14 - Part 2: “The Test”
July 21 - Part 3: “What to do if you fail the test & can someone lose their salvation?”

Also, Will Lehew, son of Robert and Carrey Beth Lehew, will be leading worship on July 14 and Matt Strait will be leading on July 21.  These guys will do a great job and I’m certain you’ll enjoy both of those wonderful times of worship.  And the bonus - you get a break from me!  A special thanks to Will and Matt for stepping up and being willing to help out in my absence.

Well, that’s it for now.

I’m looking forward to worshiping with you tomorrow,
