5/25/2024 Message from Dan

Good morning LifePoint family,

I apologize for this email coming a little later than usual, but this week was incredibly busy for us. That said, I hope you’ve had a great week and are looking forward to a wonderful time at LifePoint this Sunday.

Because this is Memorial Day weekend, several of our folks will be traveling so be in prayer for them. We also have many who are either battling with physical issues or have family who are doing the same, so I know they’d appreciate your prayers as well.

Here are the important things you need to know about this Sunday:

First – Gary Davis will be presenting the LifePoint budget for the remaining part of 2024 during the Bible Study time at 10:00am – 10:45am. Included in his presentation will be an update on where we are financially up to the present. As you know, we just approved our church constitution and by-laws last Sunday, so we couldn’t really present a budget until now. With that task complete, we can present our budget for the remaining part of 2024 for approval. In the future, this presentation will always occur no later than the second Sunday night of December of each year.

Second – tomorrow I will be preaching a message entitled, “The Hero In You”. In today’s America, heroes are in short supply – and at one of our darkest moments when heroes are needed most. Those on the Left boldly denigrate, downplay, and distort true heroism while those on the Right seem “cowed down” by fear. In this dark day, we need people who will stand for what is right no matter the cost – the “stuff” of real heroes. This message will uncover the hero in all of us just waiting to burst out. You won’t want to miss this message!

Third – I will be presenting my “Bringing Back the Black Robed Regiment” presentation at LifePoint on June 9. The presentation will be given at UCO in Constitution Hall and will begin at 6:00pm. Be sure and invite family and friends to see this stirring drama that tells the story of how the 18th century church, especially the preachers, played a vital role in winning our independence. It’ll be a great evening.

Fourth – our Women’s Ministry will be hosting a salad fellowship on June 1 at 11am – 1pm. Ladies, bring your favorite salad and join the fun. Maps to the location will be available at the welcome center. Feel free to invite friends, and please RSVP for yourself and your guests to Penny at 505-263-7999 so we can provide adequate seating. They will provide preliminary information on launching a Women’s Ministry in the fall.
Fifth – we received this critical request from Crossroads Clinic: “Due to the proliferation of websites offering abortion pills, the abortion-determined woman is finding it easier than ever to terminate their pregnancy. This has had a significant negative impact on the number of women coming through our doors. Please join us for a night of prayer as we seek the Lord’s wisdom and guidance for how to respond to this challenge. The Prayer Night will be Thursday, June 6 at 6:30pm – 8:00pm at 1107 NW 23rd Street, Suite F, Oklahoma City, OK 73106. Please RSVP to Amy Batchelor at 405-664-3048.”

Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow morning,
Dan Fisher