2/15/2025 Message

We’re praying those of you who have been battling the flu are doing much better. We have others still recouping from surgery or still in the hospital. Don’t forget to lift them up in prayer when they come to mind.

We have a few important ministries not far from going online at LifePoint. Here are a couple:

1.  The LifePoint Shepherding Ministry.  This ministry will create a ministry safety net to make certain that all of our member’s needs are met and that no one “falls through the cracks.”  Carl and Penney Allen will lead this ministry, and they have put together a great list of potential shepherds.  In early March, we will have a training session with these potential shepherd couples and then launch the ministry as each shepherd couple begins ministry to those in their flock.  I am extremely excited about how this ministry will expand our ability to make certain our church body is properly cared for.

2.  The LifePoint Executive Team. Gary Davis and I have been meeting with two potential future members of our Executive Team.  On Feb 23, we will announce the names of these two men. Then, over the next few Sundays, you will have the opportunity to hear them give a short testimony in our morning service and have the chance to visit with them personally to ask any questions you may have or simply to get to know them a little better.  Once we feel the church has had sufficient opportunity to consider and pray over these candidates, we will conduct a short business meeting at the opening of the Pastor’s Class to approve these men and make them official.  Stay tuned and we’ll keep you posted as to how this will play out over the next few weeks.

Our own Shelli Filkins is now a staff member of the Reaching Souls International Ministry.  This ministry uses what I believe to be the most efficient model to take the Gospel to the world.  In a few weeks, Shelli will be telling us more about this amazing ministry and how we can share in their efforts to take the Gospel to the whole world.  God may want you to become part of this ministry opportunity through your support.  Be praying about what He may want to say to you.

 Also, don’t forget that Amy Bachelor is encouraging us to pray for Crossroads Clinic and their annual fundraising banquet coming up on April 10, 2025, at The Dominion House in Guthrie.  Their fundraising goal is $150,000.  The funds Crossroads raises are carefully and prayerfully used to save pre-born babies and minister to their mothers.  In the process, not only are these babies saved, but often their mothers come to know the Lord.  If you feel God wants to use you in this critical ministry and would like more information, reach out to Amy or me.  

And, even though it’s a ways off, I visited with Jim Rankin this week and we were able to schedule him to come to LifePoint this coming fall to share his incredible ministry of tracking down the lost Ark of the Covenant, but even more importantly, to share how we can be part of reaching the Ethiopian people for Christ and possibly help fulfill end time prophecy.

As you can see, God is doing some amazing things in our midst.  It’s such a blessing to be part of the miracle of LifePoint!

Here's how tomorrow’s services will look:

- Pastor’s Class, 10:00 AM:  We will continue our “Biblical Types” series with part 3: “The First Adam – more than a man.”  Come learn how God communicated deep spiritual truths through some of the more familiar stories in the Old Testament.  Learning to understand biblical types will make the O.T. come to life for you.

- Worship/Preaching service, 11:00 AM: Tomorrow I will begin a short message series entitled, “Changing the World Through Your Circles of Influence.”  Although most of us are unaware of this, each of us is in the center of a series of concentric circles of influence.  Our lives touch far more people than we think.  One of the ways God can best use you to reach people is by leveraging your influence on the people in your personal circles.  This message series will explain this marvelous concept and help you to actively take advantage of the circles of influence in your life.

If you missed the lessons from last Sunday, you can find those on our website https://lbcok.com/  so you can catch up and be prepared for tomorrow's Pastor's Class.

I am looking forward to seeing you at UCO tomorrow,

Dan Fisher




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