4/27/2024 Message from Dan

LifePoint family,

I hope you’ve had a great week! I want to shoot out a few pointers concerning some pretty important things coming up.

First, tomorrow I will begin a 2-week overview of the entire book of Daniel in the Pastor’s Class. We’ll cover chapters 1-6 in the first lesson and then cover chapters 7-12 next week.

Second, tomorrow I’ll be preaching the final sermon in the 4-week series we’ve been doing entitled, “When conflict comes to the church.” Tomorrow’s message is entitled, “Division – multiplication or multiplication in reverse?” This message will obviously cover the difficult subject of division among God’s people and how it should be viewed biblically. This last installment will serve as a fitting finish to this important series of messages.

Third, the rough draft for our proposed LifePoint Church Constitution & By-Laws is ready for everyone’s consideration. However, we want to be judicious and not email copies out far and wide. So, if you want to receive the documents in your personal email account, you’ll need to sign up at the information booth in front of Constitution Hall tomorrow morning. My hope is that next Sunday, May 5, we can hold a town hall meeting during Bible study time – 10:00am-10:45am, for discussion and Q&A. Depending upon how that discussion goes, we could vote on potential adoption of the documents on May 19. Therefore, if you want copies of the proposed drafts of these important documents emailed to you, it is critical that sign up tomorrow.

Just as a reminder, our new Sunday morning schedule is:
  •   9:30 am - 10:00 am: Snack/fellowship time - Constitution Hall Lounge
  • 10:00 am - 10:45 am: Children’s Bible class - Room 202 (just across from Constitution Hall)
  • 10:00 am - 10:45 am: Pastor’s Class - Constitution Hall
  • 10:45 am - 11:00 am: Break
  • 11:00 am - 12:15 pm: Worship/Preaching service

As always, I’m looking forward to worshipping with you all tomorrow,
Dan Fisher
Thank you to all who made my birthday so special. Your cards and gifts mean so much to me. Words cannot express how much I love and value your friendship.
Pam Fisher




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