2/8/2025 Message

I hope everyone is having a good end to the week.

I just left Greg and Judy Kail at the Stillwater hospital. They removed Judy’s breathing tube while I was there and she is slowly coming out from under the sedation. Greg told me that they do not believe she had a heart attack and think she suffered from some other type of blockage. Now that she is breathing on her own, they’ll be doing tests to see what the root problem is. For now, she is definitely improving. Greg asked for our prayers as Judy begins to recover.

Gary Davis has survived COVID again and is still among the living. I guess I’ll have to take it easy on him for a few weeks – NOT!!! ?

A special prayer need: Mona Troxell, wife of Jerry Troxell, went to be with the Lord this week and her funeral will be Thursday, Feb 13, at 10:00 AM at the Resthaven Funeral Home, 500 SW 104th Street, OKC. I know Jerry would greatly appreciate your prayers during this tough time.

Many others in our church are either struggling with illnesses/challenges or are recovering from recent surgeries, please remember them in your prayers as well.

Be sure and check out the January financial report in the emailed newsletter. You guys continue to amaze me with your level of financial commitment to LifePoint.

Here’s what’s on tap for tomorrow’s services:

Pastor’s Class, 10:00 AM: As we work through our series on biblical types, we’ll finish lesson 2 which we started last week, and then begin lesson 3: “The first Adam – more than a man.” Understanding the “first Adam” and how he connects us to the “last Adam” is essential to our understanding of the Gospel. In fact, we really can’t understand the Gospel message fully without understanding how the first Adam wasn’t just a man – he was also an incredibly important biblical type. Come and hear this amazing truth.

Worship/preaching service, 11:00 AM: Last week’s message, “The Height of Hypocrisy,” broached an important and yet often very misunderstood topic – immigration. Many are amazed to discover the Bible actually provides critical principles that help us sort out what we should believe about this sometimes confusing subject. Therefore, as a follow-up to last week’s message, tomorrow I’ll be preaching a message entitled: “Where should believers stand on illegal immigration?” Come hear about a difficult topic most preachers will never address from the pulpit.

I look forward to seeing you tomorrow,
Dan Fisher




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