Wow! Much more of this global warming and I’ll be frozen stiff as a board. I hope everyone was able to stay warm and are beginning to thaw out. I also hope all who have been battling the flu are recovering and will be able to join us tomorrow.
Good news on Judy Kail. She finally has the ventilator tube out and is breathing on her own with help from a CPAP machine. She will soon be moved to AMG Specialty Hospital in OKC for long-term rehab. I know Greg and Judy still appreciate your prayers. Since they live in Stillwater and Greg works at OSU, he won’t be able to travel down to OKC every day to see Judy. Therefore, we will need to keep an eye on her and be there if she needs anything. Pam’s bible study group is going to help spearhead this effort. Even if you’re not in Pam’s study but would like to help, see Pam tomorrow at church to sign up for visits.
Robin Hobbs is also back home from her short stay in the hospital and is slowly recovering. I know she and Jason appreciate your prayers.
Tomorrow we will be announcing the first two nominees to our Executive Team. As a reminder, members of the ET must qualify to be ordained as elders but are not required to be ordained as elders. Gary Davis and I wanted you to know who the first two nominees are so you can begin to pray for them and ask any questions of them you may have. They will be sharing their personal testimonies in one of our services in a few weeks and then the church will have the opportunity to officially approve them to the ET during a special business meeting at the beginning of the Pastor’s Class.
Our LifePoint Shepherding Ministry is not far from going online. We will be conducting a training seminar on March 9 for the first “batch” of shepherds. Then, we will most likely unveil the ministry on March 16. Be praying for these initial Shepherds as they prepare to begin their ministries.
Here’s how tomorrow will look:
Pastor’s Class, 10:00 am – We will continue our Biblical Types study by exploring the incredible story of Noah’s Ark and how it is a perfect picture of Jesus and the salvation that is found in Him.
Worship/Preaching Service, 11:00 am – We got off to a good start on our new message series, “Winning Our World.” Tomorrow we will cover part 2: “Gather and Scatter.” You won’t want to miss it.